Welcome to openSUSE Build Service
The openSUSE Build Service is the public instance of the Open Build Service (OBS) used for development of the openSUSE distribution and to offer packages from same source for Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu, SUSE Linux Enterprise and other distributions..
Please find further details of this service on our wiki pages
This instance offers a special package search interface. Users of any distribution can search there for built packages for their distribution. For developers it is an efficient place to build up groups and work together through its project model.
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OBS finally disabled support for old TLSv1.0 and TLSv1.1 versions 2025-07-23. This should go unnoticed for most people. But please check if your client supports the new TLSv1.2 or TLSv1.3 (and cipher suites) if you get connection errors with OBS.
OBS has switched to the new authentification system: http://idp-portal-info.suse.com
OBS will switch new authentification system on 12th May 05:00 UTC http://idp-portal-info.suse.com
CentOS7安装SSR科学网上冲浪 | Dzsfo's Blog:2021-8-21 · 搞一台非大陆的服务器装上酸酸乳(SSR),去google看看外面的世界 准备工作 VPS一台 开启BBR 系统CentOS7 VPS 推荐搬瓦工和Vultr,我用的是Vultr(便宜实惠,最低的3.5刀/月)
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